
The Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kemal Ademović, expressed his condolences over the passing of Professor Emeritus Esad Zgodić

In light of the sad news of the passing of Professor Emeritus Esad Zgodić, the Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PA BiH) extended sincere condolences to the family of Prof. Zgodić.

"The passing of Prof. Zgodić is a great loss for both the family and the academic community, as well as for the entire society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prof. Zgodić has left a great mark in his dedicated work as a longtime professor at the University of Sarajevo. His scientific and research works remain as a rich legacy and scientific treasure for new generations who should use his teachings as an endless source of inspiration for the future work and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.", it is stated in the condolences of the Speaker of the House of Peoples of the PA BiH, Kemal Ademović. (End)


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