Open parliament
The "Open Parliament" project was initiated in 2005 in order to bring the BiH Parliamentary Assembly and its work closer to BiH citizens through a series of organised group study visits. The project is also aimed at increasing the transparency of the work of this state institution and raising awareness about the role this institution has in the process of democratisation in BiH society today.

Open parliament
The program “Open parliament” has been implemented since 2005, as the first project of an institution designed at the level of government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which host organized groups of visitors.
The primary goal is to bring closer the work of the highest BiH legislative body to general public through a series of organized study visits, to increase the level of transparency of the work of this state institution and awareness about its role in the process of democratization of BiH society.
During the visits the guests, among other things, learn about the work organization and the most important functions of PA of BiH, with the legislative process in PA BiH, the method of decision-making at the sessions of the houses, voting system, seating arrangement in the halls, for representatives and delegates in PA BiH, representatives of administrative services, the Council of Ministers, and media representatives, NGOs sector and international organizations with program goals in BiH. In this way, the legislative process, and other basic information about PA BiH, approach to the widest range of citizens, and strongly promote objectives established and adopted by consensus, arising from aspirations of accession of BiH to European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
This program is complementary to the activities undertaken by PA BiH with the aim of permanent public information, such as publishing of periodical publication, statements, permanent communication with the media, government, non-governmental and other organizations, as well as organizing public hearings, round tables discussions, visits, presentations, exhibitions and other sorts of promotion.
Parliamentary assembly of BiH is open to all interested guests, but the young people are the primary target group of the “Open parliament” program. Since curricula does not always create a space for such visits to the institutions of BiH, “Open parliament” is a very useful way to get young people familiar with democratic processes and to remove a gap between individuals and institutions of the legislative authorities.
It is very important to mention that the program “Open parliament” is available in English for visitors of PA BiH who come in organized visits to the highest legislative body of BiH from other linguistic areas.
As a part of this program in the last ten years it has been implemented more than 400 visits, and within rogram the PA BiH received near 21 thousand of guest from BiH and from more than 40 countries worldwide.
Visitor center
In order to create good conditions for the reception and information of the guests, within this project since 2009 the visitor center has been in function. It is located on the ground floor, and it is design and specially equipped in order to enable guest to get introduced with the history, importance, activities and working plans of this institution, as well as to achieve direct contact with representatives and delegates. There are available promotive publications in the center, which additionally explain the work of PA BiH.
Open parliament – service information
The project “Open parliament” has been launched in 2005 with the aim to bring closer the work and importance of the PA BiH to the general bh. public through a series of organized study visits, to increase the level of transparency of the work of the highest BiH legislative body, and awareness about its role in the process of democratization of BiH society.
Visits to this legislative institution are organized from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00, and announced by the form that can be found on the website of PA under "Visit Parliament". Exceptionally, visits can also be organized on weekends. Visitors are advised not to apply for visits in the days when the sessions of PA Houses are scheduled.
Forms for the visit should contain the following information: name of organization, address of organization, responsible person, contact phone, fax, e-mail, desired dates of visit and alternative dates of the visit. The form shall be submitted no later than seven days before the desired date of visit.
List of visitors – primary and secondary school
List of visitors – group of adult visitors
After the agreement and finalization of visits details with the official of the Public Relations Sector of PA BiH, at least 48 hours prior to the established term, the list of visitors shall be submitted.
Officials of the Public Relation Sector in the Center for visitors through presentations introduce visitors with the organizations and the own modus operandi of PA BiH, followed by a tour visit of the building (Great Hall, White and Blue Hall). It is allowed to visitors to take pictures during their visit in the building and in the PA BiH halls.
Visitors can express a wish, which should be stress in application form, to be introduced on organization, modus operandi, decision – making and other issues within PA BiH competencies by representatives and delegates from PA BiH, according to their abilities and available time.
Visitors can reach PA BiH building by public transport (tram station Marijin Dvor), private car or organized transport – minivan or bus. For short landing and boarding of passengers it can be used space between PA BiH building and Faculty of Philosophy, and as a parking space it can be used public parking space ( on the west side of the building ).
Visitors use the western entrance to the building (the entrance to the building of the Faculty of Philosophy), welcomed by an officer of Public Relation Sector or volunteers.
Security control at the entrance is required. Visitors are required to be dressed in accordance with the dignity of the institutions they are visiting, and security officers can remove drunk visitors or those who could endanger the work of employees in any way in the PA BiH.
During the security control, security officers, together with the leader of the group, will check previously submitted list of visitors, and compare it with the number of present visitors in the group. Then follows the usual security control of visitors, including the control of personal belongings (bags, umbrellas), and visitors are required to carry it with them during the visit. Visitor are required to preserve the assets and inventor of the PA BiH building during their walk thorough building, and not to disturb the work of the MP, delegates , as well as employees and other staff in the building. After security control at the entrance, visitors go to the Center for visitors on the ground floor of the building. Visitors with disabilities can freely access the building from the east, and in the building they can use the toilet located on the ground floor.