Mr Ognjen Tadić, Speaker of the BiH PA House of Peoples, met with the Ambassador of Iran

Mr Ognjen Tadić, Speaker of the BiH PA House of Peoples, met today with Seyed Hossein Rajabij, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to BiH.
During the meeting, Mr Tadić stated that the relationship between these two countries shall not be burdened by prejudices, and that open talks can and should contribute to a strengthened relationship. Better understanding in the spheres of culture, economy and trade would contribute to the improvement of relations between BiH and Iran, emphasized Tadić.
Mr Tadić introduced the Ambassador of Iran to the current situation in BiH, and pointed to the co-operation within the House of Peoples as a way to resolve important questions.
Ambassador Rajabij and Mr Tadić agreed that it is necessary to continue bilateral Parliamentary co-operation in the upcoming period. (end)
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