
The Members of the Collegium of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina met with the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly

Hungary will continue to support Bosnia and Herzegovina toward its European path politically as well as through exchanges of experience of European Integration as we want to see your country in the European family as soon as possible. The Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, Laslo Kever, emphasized this during a meeting with members of the Collegium of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Expressing gratitude for the help so far, the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that good political relations should be strengthened through intensified economic co-operation and the ratification of a certain number of treaties which would contribute to inter-connecting the two countries. In addition, the importance of Corridor Vc, which would allow the easier connection of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Hungary and which would have an impact on economic exchange, was emphasized.

According to Kevera, the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly, administrative diversity and obstacles decreased effective investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina because, as he emphasized, small and medium enterprises can hardly invest in an investment area which is not unique.

During the meeting, the collocutors discussed intensified parliamentary co-operation at management and working body level and welcomed the idea of organizing regular, annual meetings between representatives of the two countries. (end)

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