Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples Kemal Ademović Meets Human Rights and Freedom of Religious Expression Activists

„Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH), Kemal Ademović, met today withthe Representative of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ajla Milišić-Pepić, Senior Assistant at the Faculty of Law at the University of Sarajevo, Dr. Amila Svraka-Imamović, and international human rights and Islamophobia consultant with extensive experience at the OSCE, Džermana Kurić. The meeting, initiated by the guests, focused on the topic of human rights and freedom of religious expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The participants shared their experiences in the field of human rights and freedom of religious expression, as well as the challenges they have encountered in their work.
During the discussion, Mr. Ademović emphasized that human rights and freedom of religious expression are issues that require attention and continuous effort to ensure that everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina has the right and freedom to express their beliefs and religious practices." (Press release from the Office of Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples, Kemal Ademović)
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