
The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Dr. Božo Ljubić spoke with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

"Ten years of membership in the Council of Europe has demonstrated a great benefit for the democratic development of BiH, and confirmed that BiH can become truly prosperous if individual and ethnic rights are properly balanced, as has been achieved in other functional, multiethnic countries", emphasized the first Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Božo Ljubić during today’s meeting in Strasbourg with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Jean Claude Mingnonom.

Dr. Ljubić said that, in the last few months in BiH, agreements on important issues, such as military immovable property, the Law on State Aid and the Law on Census had been reached, and stressed that the next two months could be crucial for BiH on its path toward European Union.

He expressed an expectation that an agreement upon the principles for the implementation of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the Sejdić – Finci case will be reached at the next session between the leaders of the majority parliamentary parties. He emphasized that it had been previously agreed that the decision would be implemented entirely and, essentially, in order to meet the requirements of national minorities and others. Also, he drew attention to the rights of the constituent peoples; more precisely to the fact that Croats should be enabled to have an equal influence on the choice of their legitimate representatives.

The collocutors expressed their willingness for the further co-operation, and President Mingnon accepted an invitation to visit BiH. (end)

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